Monday, 10 February 2025

His Eminence, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo Archbishop of Galveston-Houston

Cardinal_DiNardo“Teaching true and proper devotion to the Saints is an important element of our Catholic Faith. As models and intercessors, the Saints are our benefactors, aiding us with the example of their lives and by their prayers, something that Fr. Martins has worked hard to instill in every Catholic.”

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National Catholic Register“Mysteriously Powerful.”

Joan Frawley Desmond
National Catholic Register

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His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke

Cardinal Burke PortraitFather Carlos Martins, CC, is to be commended for the Treasures of the Church evangelization apostolate. It is my hope that many parishes will have the opportunity to host the exposition of the Treasures of the Church for the spiritual enrichment of their faithful.


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National Catholic Register“Father Martins’ carries the saints’ touch of tenderness to parishes across North America through his Treasures of the Church exposition. The relics are a tangible source of solace to the faithful.”

Celeste Behe
National Catholic Register

Experience of the Sacred Relics

Treasures of the Church is a ministry of evangelization of the Catholic Church

Experience of the Sacred Relics

Father Carlos uses multi-media to give a teaching on the Church’s use of relics that is scriptural, catechetical, and devotional, leading to a renewal of the Catholic faith for many people. After the teaching, an exposition of relics gives the faithful an opportunity to venerate some of their favorite saints.

Encounter with the Living God

The veneration of relics is a communion with the heroes of our Christian faith, asking for their powerful intercession. Many people have reported outstanding blessings and conversions through this ministry, and many have reported healings.

Treasures of the Church is a ministry of evangelization of the Catholic Church.  Directed by Fr. Carlos Martins, its purpose is to give people an experience of the living God through an encounter with the relics of his saints in the form of an exposition.  Each exposition begins with a multi-media presentation on the Church’s use of relics that is scriptural, catechetical, and devotional, leading to a renewal of the Catholic faith for many people.  After the teaching those in attendance have an opportunity to venerate the relics of some of their favorite saints.

An exposition involves over 150 relics from every period of the Church’s history, including St. Joseph, the Twelve Apostles, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Maria Goretti, St. Thérèse of Lisieux (the “Little Flower”), St. Faustina Kowalska, Pope St. John Paul II, and Bl. Carlo Acutis.  The supreme highlight is some of the largest remaining fragments of Wood from the True Cross (the Cross upon which Our Lord died) and a piece of the Veil worn by the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The veneration of relics is a communion with the heroes of our Christian faith, asking for their powerful intercession.   Many people have reported outstanding blessings and conversions through this ministry, and many have reported healings.  Attendees are encouraged to bring their articles of devotion (such as rosaries, holy cards, etc.) and pictures of ill friends/family members which may be touched to the reliquaries as a means of intercessory prayer.

The ministry travels throughout the world by invitation.  To date, it has been hosted in over 200 dioceses in various countries. 

Read what others have to say about this ministry or learn more about relics.