Monday, 10 February 2025

His Eminence, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo Archbishop of Galveston-Houston

Cardinal_DiNardo“Teaching true and proper devotion to the Saints is an important element of our Catholic Faith. As models and intercessors, the Saints are our benefactors, aiding us with the example of their lives and by their prayers, something that Fr. Martins has worked hard to instill in every Catholic.”

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National Catholic Register“Mysteriously Powerful.”

Joan Frawley Desmond
National Catholic Register

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His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke

Cardinal Burke PortraitFather Carlos Martins, CC, is to be commended for the Treasures of the Church evangelization apostolate. It is my hope that many parishes will have the opportunity to host the exposition of the Treasures of the Church for the spiritual enrichment of their faithful.


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National Catholic Register“Father Martins’ carries the saints’ touch of tenderness to parishes across North America through his Treasures of the Church exposition. The relics are a tangible source of solace to the faithful.”

Celeste Behe
National Catholic Register


Below is a sample of some of the testimonies of healing that have been reported following an exposition:

“My 9-year old niece had a large tumor protruding out of her lower abdomen about the size of a melon.  She prayed to each of the saints and touched their relics as you suggested.  She said that afterwards she felt nothing different or unusual than she normally felt.  It was when she got into the car on the ride home that she noticed: there was no tumor sitting on her lap.  It completely disappeared.”

Lina Anderson
, Texas

“I have been plagued with a poorly functioning right ankle for several years.  Walking had become more difficult, and painful.  When I came to hear you speak, healing was not on my mind.  I wanted to be able to share your stories with the elderly that I visit with communion.  I went downstairs to view the relics but it was so crowded, and frankly I don’t like crowds, I just moved along behind the people at the first table.  Out of nowhere, a space opened up right in front of St. Josaphat, my late grandma’s name (Josephine)!  I touched the relic and tried to read the bio.  I mentioned my ankle to him and then proceeded to go upstairs to the church away from the crowd.  Since the moment I mentioned my bad ankle to him I have been without pain, without swelling, and able to walk and go up and down stairs without a problem!

“The people I’ve seen since that night have all commented on how great I’m walking and have asked which doctor finally found the cure.  I try to tell each person a short version of this story, it’s amazing but it is true.  Thank you for coming you and your work will be in my prayers.  St. Josaphat will be prayed to with every person that I distribute communion to.”

Patricia Gauvreau
Farmington, Michigan

“I attended your exposition shortly after being diagnosed with (very painful) knee osteoarthritis (water in the knee).  After coming and praying … healed … Praise God!!!”

Mary Silversmith
Houston, Texas

“I knew I would not return from a trip to St. Paul, Minnesota, in time for the exposition on Tuesday May 24. I asked my friend, Cindy, to take my rosary, my son’s and my daughter’s to touch to the reliquaries. I also gave her photos of family members that need healing. Included with the photos was one of my six year old nephew, Anthony, who after suffering with terrible intense pains in his hips and migraine headaches for over a year, was diagnosed as having Juvenile Paget’s disease. This was confirmed at Morristown Children’s hospital after numerous examinations, blood tests, MRI and cat scans last month. This is not a disease that can be cured. This is a disease of the bones. It is in the bones. With his chronic headaches, a symptom of the disease, also and with so much pain in his hip, Anthony could not stand for long periods of time.

“On the Thursday following your visit to Our Lady of The Mount Church, the doctors have said his symptoms are gone and they see no evidence of it remaining on follow up x-rays, which cannot be explained medically. He is no longer in pain. He has not had a headache, which were frequent.

“Thank You Father God. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Blessed Mother. Thank you all the Saints that pray for us. Thank you Father for visiting and sharing the relics with so many.”

Christine Carnavale
Martinsville, New Jersey

“I came as an out of control alcoholic, asking the Saints for their help.  Some time afterwards, I noticed I no longer had the urge to drink.  More than a year later I am still free of my addiction.  Praise the Lord!”

Erik Jones
Los Angeles, California

“My husband and I attended your expo last Sunday at Blessed Trinity. He had been involved in a high speed auto accident in October that left him with considerable neck and back pain; for the last few months he has been under the care of doctors and has received spinal injections, other medications, undergone MRIs, and made an appointment to see a surgeon in Orlando.

“While my husband Daniel was kneeling and praying at the relics of the 12 apostles, he experienced complete cessation of all his symptomatic back pain, and, for the first time since his accident, has been pain free for the last week. He can kneel for extended periods of time, bend over to put on his socks, stand without pain, etc-it’s as if the accident had never happened. He describes the experience of his healing as the Holy Spirit passing through him, taking the pain out with it; before he stood up, he knew he had been completely healed.

“There have been reports of other healings in our school community, as well. Thank you for blessing our community with this wonderful opportunity.”

Celeste Lovett
Blessed Trinity Church, Ocala, Florida

“Dear Fr. Martins … I attended your Sunday afternoon talk and viewing of relics at Mary Queen Church in Friendswood.  I asked BIG.  I asked that my urinary bladder incontinence I’ve had for several years be healed.  A few days after the exposition I noticed that I no longer have any leakage and now, several weeks later, I am still free from leakage.  I still today feel gleeful, happy, rejoiceful that I attended your exposition.  Thank you, thank you!” 

Evelyn Conroy
Friendswood, Texas

“Cancer had taken its toll on me.  I felt it was my lot; that it would kill me.  I had testing scheduled following the exposition to see the latest spread of the cancer.  My oncologist called me later in the week to inform me that no cancer can be detected in my body at all.”

Peter Grand
New Orleans, Louisiana

“When you visited the Philadelphia area I asked St. Rita, Saint of the Impossible to remove the desire to drink to excess.  I have lost desire to drink.  When the desire does tempt I can resist with little trouble.   Thank you, St. Rita!”

Gianna Sylvestor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“Thank you so much for bringing this beautiful exposition.  I did not imagine what an effect it would have on me.  I would like to share with you the healing I received.  When I was young I was sexually abused.  All my life I experienced a hatred for my abuser.  At the exposition my heart was touched … especially by St. Maria Goretti.  I had experienced nothing but resentment for my attacker.  Gladly now, I forgive him.”

Shanon O’Neill
Halifax, Nova Scotia

“I canceled my knee replacement surgery the week after the exposition.  I am doing things with my knee I haven’t been able to do in 15 years, and it is completely pain free!”

Lorna McEvoy
, Florida

“Dear Father Martins, I shook your hand outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Charlotte, NC on Sunday, July 17, 2011, and asked you where the exposition of the relics was being held.  You directed me into the gym.  I am happy to report that when my wife pressed the relic of St. James the Greater to my back, I was relieved of persistent pain due to arthritis.  I have been pain free ever since and feel great.  I am getting up and down easily with no problems.  Given on Feast of St. James the Great, 2011.  I love my new back!”

Bruce Kaemmer
Charlotte, North Carolina

“I was in front of Mother Mary’s Veil.  I began to be deep in prayer for my children and my family.  So much emotion and sorrow.  I felt for all.  I was in prayer when I realized that I am kneeling on both knees, something I have not done for almost four years, since having a terrible fall.  I went through the entire exhibit on my knees, up and down I was at each table.  With some relics, even twice I knelt.  No pain.”

Olivia Jacobs
, Texas

“I attended the presentation at St. Paschal Baylon on March 20th.  It helped me to become more deeply aware of my need for God in my life.  I participated with awe and reverence, and tried to be silent.  Although nothing very extraordinary happened while I was touching the various relics that night, the next day my tinnitus was gone! With a debt of gratitude, I thank all those involved with this truly special ministry.  May God bless you.”

Efren Pizano
Thousank Oaks, California

“I came to your talk and the exhibit of the Treasures of the Church on Saturday in Denver.  I really enjoyed your talk and I learned a lot from it.  Particularly, I took to heart what you said about forgiveness.  I prayed at every relic for healing from my Narcolepsy and my infertility.  I left the exhibit on Saturday and I felt great despite the fact that I had been awake since 5:30 a.m. with no nap.  I thought maybe it was because I had consumed some caffeine on Saturday and it was keeping me alert.  I woke up Sunday morning and felt better than I have ever felt my entire life.  On Sunday, I was alert and felt great and no sign of sleepiness.  I have to admit to you, that I only shared how I felt with one person because I was not sure if I had been healed.  Because my disability is a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes intense sleepiness, I don’t have any signs to see that I have been healed; only the way I feel.  Well, I woke up Monday and I thought to myself that this day will tell me for sure.  I homeschool my son and Monday’s are always difficult.   I also have a two year old and usually when he naps, I do as well because I can’t stay awake.  Additionally, my entire life I have not been able to read much because I fall asleep when I read.  My son’s Dr. Seuss’ books are no exception to this rule.  I usually fall asleep with these as well.  I am so excited today because I put my 2 year old down for his nap and I had no desire to sleep with him.  I have energy and I am alert like I have never been in my life.  I want to shout it from the roof tops.  I will get down on bended knee in front of the Blessed Sacrament to thank God for healing me. 

“I don’t know what I did to deserve such love from our Lord.  I feel like I have a new lease on life.  I pray that God will give me direction with my new found energy to build up his kingdom according to his will.  Thank You so much for following God’s call with this ministry.  I can’t wait to share this openly with everyone that I know.”

Melanie Walters
Denver, Colorado

“My wife Susan’s 87 year old father could not walk without assistance due to extreme back pain.  He was seeing many doctors but nothing seemed to work.   On Sunday July 15th, coming to your Exposition, he still could not walk unassisted and he was in great pain.  In fact, we were unsure to the last minute whether he would be able to come to the Exposition due to his extreme pain and inability to walk without great assistance.

“During the Exposition, he struggled but managed to venerate each of the 150+ relics.  My own mother even commented that he seemed to have a very noticeable peaceful look on his face while and after he was visiting each relic.  

“On Monday, July 16th, Susan’s father was able to walk unassisted and with no pain.   Even today, weeks later, he comments that he can walk without pain and doesn’t need any assistance.   He is no longer using his walker.
 “Thank you for sharing your very special ministry with us.”

Frank Reed
Hillside, New Jersey

“Just arrived home from the exposition where I prayed for my severely mentally ill son, and for a man whom I had dated who is in jail … meanwhile I look down and my left arm which has had 2 surgeries and is full of metal, is FINALLY straightened out.  Its been crooked for 4 years.  Thank you for bringing the relics!”

Anabella Tremblay
Rutland, Vermont

“I had been in a car accident some years back and had a pinched nerve in my neck as a result of that accident.  I had finished with physical therapy (insurance ran out) and was still dealing with the pain.  It wasn’t debilitating, but it did require that I take Ibuprofen on a regular basis to deal with the pain.  Long story short, I decided to touch one particular saint’s relic to my neck.  My thought was, ‘it can’t hurt’ and so I did it.  That was Sunday.  On Tuesday I realized that I hadn’t had any pain for two days.  Weeks later I am still pain free.”

Cathy Lough
Ellicott City, Maryland

“Around October of 2010 when I had trouble breathing. I had to stop going to my track and field practices because I was not able to breathe properly.  I also suffered with low grade fevers every night.  I continued to go to school everyday but struggled to get through the days.  I was extremely tired and rundown.  My parents were really worried about me.  I visited my doctor several times, but he really did not know what was wrong with me.  He prescribed at least three different antibiotics and an inhaler to help cure me, but nothing really worked.  It was not until my mother went to St. Rita’s Church in Philadelphia to visit the Relics from the Companions of the Cross some time in May 2011 that things changed.

“That same night she came home and explained to my sister and I how much she was touched by these holy relics.  We at first really did not believe her, but she insisted that she wanted the three of us to pray together with the rosary necklace which she had used to touch the relics of the saints.  At the exposition my mother was praying for me to get better and she was felt drawn to one particular saint.  As we prayed my mind started to wonder elsewhere, then all of a sudden, I felt as if some kind of force went through my mouth, slowly going down my throat into my lungs allowing me to breathe freely, something that I had not able to do for about 7 months.  I quickly pushed away from my mother and she thought I was mocking her, but then she noticed that I was crying.  She said that my face was pale white, and that I looked like I was in shock.  Tears of joy and also a bit of fear started rolling down my face.  I quickly told her what had happened to me and ever since that night I actually started to feel so much better.  I believe it was all thanks to that saint whom my mother felt drawn to and whom I will never forget. 

“My mother brought me to another exposition location so that I could see the relics for myself.  Once I reached the same saint’s relic, I felt a similar feeling as my mother did — drawn to that special saint.  My mother and I have done research about this saint and discovered that she also suffered with respiratory problems.  I am truly grateful for what she has done for me.”

Lauren Coco
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“I became a brand new confirmed Catholic at this year’s Easter Vigil.  I’ve been Protestant all my life, along with my husband.  I had no idea what relics were, nor of the precious experience of being in their presence.  I was praying for healing for a man that came with my husband and I: his eye was not healing after a surgery.  I also asked the Lord to bring enough relief from the pain in my back and hips to enable me to carry the books for a Bible Study the priests in our area had asked me to lead.  Carrying anything heavy caused my significant and ever present limp to become quite pronounced and very uncomfortable.

“I woke the morning after this amazing and blessed experience with a total freedom from pain. When I got up to walk the limp was gone. When I knelt at church on the bench, rather than experiencing the normal intense pain with muscle spasms, there was only comfort. I praise our God and thank those saints whose lives have so deeply touched my life!”

Kathy Cooper
Newwark, New Jersey

“Dear Fr. Carlos,

I have arthritis and it is especially bad in my feet.  Over the years I have changed my activities, my shoe styles and the amount of time I spend on my feet, because the pain has been so great. 

“I attended the exposition and there certainly was one saint with whom I definitely felt connected—when I stood in front of her relic I felt as light as a feather!  I wondered if my feet were even touching the ground because I felt as though I were floating.  I realize this sounds odd, but when I opened my eyes and looked at my husband, all I could say was, ‘Wow’!

“Before I left I returned to that saint.  I stooped down and touched the tops of both of my feet and set her relic back down.  The very next day my husband asked me how my feet were doing.  I told him I hadn’t given them any thought.  He and I both realized the miracle of that statement. The following day I was able to wear shoes that I had not been able to wear in five years.  In fact, I had not been able to even walk around in my bedroom with them on for more than a couple of minutes due to extreme pain and discomfort.

“My feet have never been better!  Bless you for sharing with us.  Thank you again for answering God’s call and for taking all of the precious relics around for others to view. I pray you will be able to share with their parishes as you did with ours.”

Ginny Mancuso
Wheeling, West Virginia

“Hello Fr. Carlos.  I wanted to send you a note to say THANK YOU for bringing the relics to our parish, St. Andrew the Apostle in Clifton, VA.  My husband and I have suffered with infertility for almost 8 years.  We’ve seen many doctors and had multiple surgeries over the years, as well as prayed and prayed, but had never conceived.  We are not sure exactly which Saint to thank, as we venerated and prayed to many of the saints whose relics were there, but on my very next cycle, we have conceived!!”

Michelle Clune
Clifton, Virginia

Dear Fr. Martins,

“For several weeks, I was daily experiencing severe depression and crying spells.  It started after having an urgent major operation which had several complications.  I didn’t think I would ever be the same again.  I came to the exposition seeking emotional healing, and had experiences of happiness and joy while visiting several relics.  The morning after the exposition, I noticed a dramatic difference in the way I felt.  Months later, I feel like my old self again and can enjoy life again.  I have had no more crying spells since.   Thank you so much for coming here and GOD bless you for all the good you have done to further our faith.”

Emily Duncan 
Providence, Rhode Island

“I was told in August 2007 that I had Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC), the most rare, most fatal form of breast cancer.  Most women do not live two years with it, even after a mastectomy.  In the course of my diagnosis, two other cancers were found: general breast cancer and triple negative: a subtype of breast cancer known to fuel most breast cancers.  I was given a double mastectomy and put on chemo and radiation.

“In my time of treatment I was invited to attend your exposition of the relics at the Shrine of the True Cross in Dickinson, Texas.  It was wonderful.   I held and prayed with many of the relics. 

“When I picked one up, I instantly felt dizzy.  It was so strong that I was afraid I was going to fall.  I felt this ‘swirling’ in my chest, a very fast spinning in a circular motion, which then ‘pulled down’ through my body, down my legs, and ‘out’ my feet.  It was very strong.  I have goose bumps as I recall it.  As I opened my eyes to look at which relic I was holding, I saw it was St. John Vianney.  I could not help but smile.  St. John Vianney and I had a history. 

“Two years prior to my illness, our parish church purchased a large statue of his to travel to homes for families to pray for vocations.  Our family signed up and we were looking forward to our week of praying and hosting the statue, until we opened the travel case and saw the statue.  It had an intense face which was not very attractive.  We prayed the assigned prayers during our week and we were glad to pass the statue to the next family.  Although we have a house full of religious art, this statue made me uncomfortable because the face was not very elegant, to say the least.  Ironically, it spent much time at our home.  When families had to cancel on their assigned week, the scheduler would ask our family if we would fill in.  Each time St. John Vianney was with us I fell more and more in love with him, and the more beautiful that statue became to me.

“I really do think, and believe with all my heart and soul, that I was healed that night at the Shrine of the True Cross, due to the gracious intercession of St. John Vianney.  Almost five years later, I am still well and cancer free.”

Terry Arnold
Dickenson, Texas

“Dear Father Martins,

Twenty years ago I was diagnosed with an obsessive compulsive disorder: Trichotillomania (or “hair pulling”).  It has affected my life in every aspect imaginable.  At times it became so difficult to deal with I wanted to die.  I had severe depression and anxiety and I tried almost every medication out there to gain control of this disorder.  My teen years were especially hard.  I prayed for a healing through St. Dymphna, the patron saint of mental illness, for 20 years, I even chose her as my Confirmation saint name. 

During the exposition my daughter told me St. Dymphna’s relic was there.  I became emotional, because I have always wished I could visit her tomb.  I went to the relic, knelt down, and I placed her relic upon my head and began to pray.  “Heavenly Father I beg you one last time, PLEASE through the intercession of St. Dymphna grant me a healing of this horrible thing.”  I made the Sign of the Cross with the relic on my head and got up. We went home that evening and I maintained my hope.

Now, almost two months later, I have not pulled my hair!  Previous to this I had not gone a day without pulling for 20 years.  I had came to the point in my life where I had almost given up, but thanks be to God He relieved me of this burden!!  I received a healing through the intercession of St. Dymphna.

Thank you so much for doing what you do!  If you ever doubt what you do is worth your while, or if you feel heavily burdened at times, please remember stories like mine. God Bless you and keep you safe!”

Stephanie Vonders
Wichita, Kansas

“I attended the Exposition with no expectations other than seeing the relics.  After your presentation, I was excited and apprehensive all at once: I wanted to feel something that would make my faith life come alive.  But I failed.  I don’t know why, but I failed.  I didn’t sense anything extraordinary. 

“For the last two years my feet have hurt constantly; pain in my bones, tendons, and muscle.  Some days I can hardly walk, making it very difficult to do my job.  In addition, my hands have sever dryness, to the point of cracking and bleeding around the knuckles.  But here it is Tuesday, five days after the exposition, and I just noticed something.  The problems with my hands and feet are almost completely gone!

“Thank you for the time and work with the relics.”

Jerry A. Goldwire
Port Arthur, Texas

“I wish to thank you for bringing us the collection of holy relics it was truly a gift for our parishioners. 

“Several of my parishioners reported experiencing the presence of the saints.  One person in particular, who was suffering from a brain tumor, reported that after visiting the relics, he and his wife felt the spiritual presence of St. Therese.  This couple firmly believes that it was the intercession of these saints that resulted in the husband’s miraculous recovery.

“There is no doubt in my mind as to the benefit of the Treasures of the Church ministry.  You are welcome to return to our parish at any time.”

Fr. Ron Barker, Pastor
St. Joseph Church
WakeField, Massachusetts

“Fr. Carlos: Thank you so much for your ministry!  When you came to Holy Trinity here in GA, I had been ill with a lung ailment for 6 months. The very next day, I awoke feeling very well.  I stopped taking very powerful and dangerous medication that had not been able to control the symptoms.  At the exposition, I did NOT pray for healing, only for grace and the ability to rejoin my catechetical ministry. The saints interceded and God gave me so much more!”

Howard Gault
Atlanta, Georgia

“When my little sister was 12 she began having seizures and was diagnosed with Juvenile Epilepsy. The doctors were finally able to find a medication that would control the seizures. My sister’s been “under control” now for about 7 years. However, last April she started breaking out in terrible hives. They would come all over her body … legs, arms, back, torso. Everywhere. There was no rhyme or reason to them. Sometimes they’d come in the morning, sometimes in the evening. But it happened every day. My sister is not the type of person to be self-conscious at all … but she was so embarrassed about these welts. They were the size of nickels and quarters. The doctors discovered this to be a reaction to her seizure medication, which distressed us all, since this was one of the few medications my sister could take to control her seizures.

“When you visited with the relics last summer, I brought a crucifix that I like to wear and touched it to every relic on display. Shortly after that, we went on a family vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC. My sister was dreading going to the beach because she didn’t want to have welts all over her in a bathing suit. I grabbed the crucifix, told her about the relics and some of your stories, and told her that I had prayed for her and for the welts to go away. I then gave the crucifix to her.

“The next day … no welts. The day after that, no welts. The day after that, no welts. Now, six months later, still no welts. Thank you for traveling around with the relics!”

Kristy Bamburak
Ellicott City, Maryland

“My family and I recently attended the relics presentation at Sts. Simon and Jude this week … and I remembered that I never did give you my testimony from the last time you were in Phoenix!!!

“When the relics were brought to Phoenix 3 years ago I experienced a healing.  I had severe arthritis in right elbow and was taking medication 3 times a day.  I felt a strong attraction to St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (Gabriel Possenti).  I touched his relic to my elbow.  About a week later I was at Catholic Women’s Conference.  After praying the Rosary as a group, I realized that I had not yet taken medication.  And that there was no pain! And have had no pain since that time!!!

“I still had the same powerful exeperience when I held the relic of St. Gabriel Possenti this past week. The relic felt very warm and I fell to my knees in joy and prayer.  I was overcome with emotion and began to cry.  I pray to him in desperate situations where I need a quick response! And his intercession always comes through. 🙂   I love him and have this special connection with him.

“Thank you so much for your ministry.”

Jeanette Verchimak
Phoenix, Arizona

I was involved in a terrible car accident in 2000 where my two-and-a-half year old precious son died. Although the accident was not my fault, it didn’t matter as I always felt responsible and beyond forgiveness for failing to protect my son. You began the evening by speaking of St. Maria Goretti’s courageous act of forgiveness towards her murderer.  As you shared, I began to feel something loosen within me. Later as I journeyed my way through the relics of the saints I was in awe and could sense the powerful presence of many of the saints.  At the Relic of St. Clare I smelled roses and the spirit so moved me that my knees almost came out from underneath me that I had to steady myself. I now will pay closer attention to St. Clare and her role in my life in the future.  When I came to the Crown of Thorns, the relic of the True Cross and the relic of the Lance that pierced the side of Christ, I cried from deep within myself feeling Christ’s immeasurable gentle love for myself.  It was a most powerful and most memorable moment.  After kneeling a few precious moments in front of these relics I stood up and felt within myself a renewed strength that I had not felt before.  I can honestly say that I no longer hold myself accountable for the death of my son.  I feel a new freedom in my heart and am able to think of fond memories of my son with joy in my heart whereas before it was difficult for me to think of my son without feeling incredible guilt.  The guilt I felt is now gone and for the Treasure of the Church ministry I am sincerely grateful for this grace!!!  Thank you Fr. Carlos for your ministry.  May God continue to bless you and all those who encounter these Treasures of our Church!” 

Dawn Marie Roeder
Cave Creek, Arizona

“Thank you for bringing the Sacred Relics to Ashton, Wisconsin. I had progressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia for 1-2 years. One day after venerating the sacred relics, my lymph nodes in my neck, upper chest were reduced about 90%.  My lab tests showed normalization of my blood count, and a CAT scan showed that my enlarged spleen was now normal.  I have never taken chemotherapy, and my hematologist has no other explanation for my improvement but simply advised me to keep doing what I’m doing.  Thank you again for bringing the Sacred Relics to our local community.  I thank God for this miracle.”

Bob Kritz
Ashton, Wisconsin

“Fr. Martins, my husband and I had been using contraception for the last six years, after the birth of our youngest son.  My last two pregnancies prior to his birth were complicated and riddled with my own health problems, leaving me scared to have any more children.  Not to mention the fact that mentally, physically and psychologically, our life was full with our four.  During the last six years, God has found many ways to bring children in need to us, allowing us to spiritually, financially and literally support many in our own family and neighborhood.  We have even became the guardians for our teenage niece, who was received into the Church this last Easter.  While at the relic presentation, my husband and I decided to follow something you mentioned about touching our wedding rings together on a relic and we chose the piece of the veil from Our Lady.  As we approached and placed our hands together on top of it we said a Hail Mary and moved on.  This was touching, but I had no idea that night what began to move inside myself and husband both.  We left the church that night and decided that we would take our family of seven to the Mid-West Catholic Family Conference which was being held the weekend after the relic presentation in our city.  We had talked about doing this but had not solidified any plans.  We didn’t waste anymore time, we signed up the next day.  The conference was extremely blessed and was a wonderful opportunity for my husband and I to share deeply about many things together and with our kids.  The last day of the conference, Patrick Coffin spoke about Humanae Vitae in the most amazing and personal way I had ever heard.  It was touching and inspiring and it led to my husband and I changing our ideas about using contraception.  (This may not sound all that miraculous, but in our life this was VERY BIG).  In the coming days after this decision, as we began to re-learn some natural family planning methods, God put in front of us information that was modern, up-to-date and seemed like something that would work very well.  That was half the battle!  We chose a method, began implementing it, and lo and behold, our first infertile day fell on the Feast of the Assumption!  I knew, then and there, that Mary had divinely orchestrated a miracle in our lives.  We are now back in communion with the teaching of the Church and have both recently received the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Thank you for letting me share our experience.  It is deeply personal but I certainly want to share in thanksgiving one of the ways that Jesus and His Mother have transformed our family.  Thank you and may God continue to bless your ministry.”

Rose Stevens
Wichita, Kansas

“Father, I can hardly comprehend what has happened to me after viewing and touching the relics and praying over them.  I met you at the gym door on May 3 before my family and I left.  I told you about the burning in my heart and you told me not to worry it was all good.  I want to share my story with you.

“Fourteen years ago I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis with psoriasis).  Within three months I was going up and down the stairs on my butt since it was too painful to walk.  I could not even open up baby food jars and needed help getting dressed.  All of this was devastating.  I was formerly a professional and very active.  After I was diagnosed, I had to resign my job and be conscious about resting. 

“Six months ago everything got worse.  My husband’s business suffered floundered.  We could not keep up our payments and so lost our insurance.  With that I had to give up my medication.  At $2,200 per month we simply could not afford to pay it ourselves.

“At the same time, my condition was getting worse.  In the month before you came, I was deteriorating – the disease was manifesting itself more in my joints.  I was having a harder time moving around and was not able to lift my arms above the elbows.  My spine hurt and I spent almost every other day on my back.  My girls had to help me dress myself.  My husband was hurting so badly from guilt.  I was taking a lot of Aleve and Tylenol to help with the pain.  I was having a hard time thinking clearly and was emotional. Things were a mess. 

“Then you came and brought the relics.  A friend saw that St. James the Greater was the patron saint of rheumatoid arthritis and told me.  I came to St. James and knelt down on the floor placed my hands on the relics and began to pray – feeling so unworthy.  With tears rolling down my face, I asked St. James to intercede to Jesus for me.  Before I finished, I thought about Jesus’s passion and finished my prayer with, “not my will Lord but yours.”  My heart seemed to swell and beat faster.

“I continued around the room touching each relic and praying.  At several of the relics, my heart seem to burn and beat more rapidly (St. Anne’s, St. Padre Pio, St. Rose of Lima, St. Teresa of the Andes to name a few.)  Touching other relics, I felt a cool sensation.  I was really confused by the time I left and spoke to you. I got into the car more easily than when we came.  The next morning, I woke up and was able to sit up without assistance and to dress myself.  I was overjoyed but frightened.  I know that the mind is a very powerful organ and you can make yourself believe many things. 

“I went to see my doctor.  He asked me how I was feeling and expected the worst since I had not called in for a prescription of my medicine for months.  While he was examining me, I saw a confused look growing on his face.  He asked me to lie down and was shocked that I had skinny knees and no problems with my feet.  He asked me how long I had been off my medication and I replied 3 months.  He looked at me and said that it was his opinion that I did not need it anymore and that I may not need him either. 

“Thank you for coming and bringing the relics.  God bless you and your mission.”

Stacy Williams
Seattle, Washington

“Dear Fr. Carlos, last May you were at St. Michael the Archangel and I experienced a miracle. I had suffered from peripheral neuropathy in the legs and feet for over 10 years. The neuropathy was so debilitating that I had to retire from my 25 year old industrial sales company. The night of your talk at St. Michael, my wife gave me a St. Bernadette prayer card with my name on it and suggested that I venerate St. Bernadette and Mary’s veil. I did as she suggested and also venerated it on Christ’s Cross. I also touched the card and my rosary on all of the apostles. I prayed like I had never prayed before. (I am a convert and prayer was fairly new to me.)

“That night I didn’t think that anything had happened, not realizing that I had been standing and walking in the school gym for 3 hours. Up to that point I was unable to stand for more than 15 minutes. The next day, Tuesday, I realized that the pain (numbness, tingling, electric shocks, etc.) was less, but I didn’t say anything to my wife. When my wife got home from work on Wednesday I had her use a pin to prick my feet and legs. I had my eyes closed so that I couldn’t tell when or where she pricked me. The first place she tested me was the bottom of my big toe, and I almost kicked her with my reaction. For 10 years I hadn’t felt a pin prick on the bottom of either foot, and rarely felt the pin prick on my feet or lower legs.

“I have not had a 100% recovery, but it is about 80%, which is enough for me. I am now able to walk with little pain and have resumed a more normal lifestyle.

Thank you and God bless,”

Al Wakenhut
Livonia, Michigan

“I had always been treated for elevated levels of hypertension. Throughout grade school I always had 120/80 or higher in my blood pressure readings. In 2010 I decided to go back to college while working full time. My doctor felt it would be best to have me on medication. During 2012, my boss was fired and I was asked to temporarily cover his position in addition to my own. This, coupled with school, proved to be too much for my health. My doctor had me on the highest dose he could give me. During this period my heart rate averaged 76 bpm. These readings were always at rest and in bed; either in the a.m. or the p.m. Even after hiring another employee to replace my previous boss in Oct 2012; graduating from the University of Oklahoma in May of 2013; and losing 25 pounds between Oct 2013 and March 2014, my readings were just not improving even under the care of my doctor.

“Up until the visit of your ministry in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City on April 2nd, I had continued to show elevated blood pressure readings.  But during the exposition I picked up the reliquary containing the relic of our Lady’s Veil and then I picked up the reliquary containing the relics of the eleven Apostles and St. Paul. I touched my wedding ring to them, closed my eyes, and prayed for their intersession to watch over me. Recently, I had been praying to Mary for peace on Earth, as well as advocating for non-Catholics to understand the importance of Jesus choosing and renaming the apostles. Thus, once I discovered these relics, I felt especially close to those saints. After setting down the reliquaries my wife and I proceeded to walk to the other relics. During the walk, I began experiencing a pulsating sensation in my left hand that felt like a pulsating “buzz”. I immediately grabbed it with my right hand but I could not stop the pulsing. I shook my hand and mentioned the sensation to my wife. Throughout the exposition I held over 50 relics. During this period, my hand was warming up and felt warm to my wife’s touch. I felt at peace as the night continued.

“Between April 4th and the 6th life continued for me as normal. But the evening of the 6th my blood pressure readings began coming down. The recession in the pressure continued in the subsequent days. For the next week I monitored the marked improvement. Eventually, on April the 14th, I informed my doctor, Dr. David Wilson of Mercy Health in Oklahoma City. I outlined the change and my concern for still being on medication. He agreed and that I could stop taking the medication immediately since the levels were so low.

“My health has greatly improved since holding the honorable relics and I feel it necessary to spread the message of hope and power of the good works from the intercessors of God. To date, my heart hasn’t been better and my resting heart rate has decreased as well. Before April 2nd, my averaging bp was 123/80 and after the 6th, my averaging bp is 114/73 and an average resting hr from 76 to 61.”

Aaron M. Rosales
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma   

“Dear Father Carlos, I want to thank you for bringing the holy relics to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. I was one of the last persons to leave the church basement on Tuesday night and I told you that my back was no longer hurting after praying for a second time before the relic of the True Cross. This prayer was different than the first time because I was on my knees praying for healing. I have been pain free for sixty hours so far and give constant thanks to God for this miracle. I am the sacristan for the parish. I lifted a heavy box of church wine and carried it to my car yesterday, something that I have not been able to do for a long time. Also, today I was able to vacuum the floors without pain. I am so grateful! Right now I am sitting before the Blessed Sacrament. I will offer a special prayer for you and your ministry.”

Sandra Bierly
Indianapolis, Indiana

“I have been praying for a baby for nearly five years. My husband and I were ready to give up the dream of a new addition to our family. Last month, I visited an exhibition of the relics at Presentation Parish in Sacramento. I prayed that if it was God’s will he would send us the baby we longed for. I kissed the relic of St.Gerard and said my short prayer before it. One month has passed and we just found out we are expecting a baby in August. Never dobut the power of the Catholic faith-the saints are interceding for us always!”

Kathleen Dilliner
Sacramento, California

“I had some kind of skin affliction on my right thumb that was very painful and unsightly. I’d had it for almost 18 months and had tried ever conceivable treatment for it to no avail. After I prayed and touched it to some of the relics, I stopped any treatment and it healed completely within 2 and half weeks.”

TJ Lally
Brookings, SD

“Hello, Father. You brought the relics to Wichita, Kansas last year and I attended the first parish showing with hope and the second parish showing in gratitude. This may be a bit unusual and that is why I have delayed writing to you.

The healing I asked for was for my German Shepherd dog who is my main companion since the death of my husband the previous year. Rocky had been ill for over a week and had gotten worse the day my neighbor and I attended your presentation. He had stopped eating and was without any energy. The vet and I were thinking that he had pancreatitis or some other gastrointestinal problem. He was only 3 years old at the time.

I had the idea to take one of his whiskers to make it more personal. I touched it to the relic of St. Francis and prayed for my dog’s recovery. I had prayed for other people and their specific ailments as I worked my way through the hall, looking for St. Francis. His relic was on the last table I visited, at the front of the hall. I absolutely felt a connecting energy as I prayed, different from any other relic I touched.

My friend and I left the hall and I returned home. When I opened the door, my dog, who had been suffering and unwilling to even get up or look up one hour and a half before, bounded out of the house, wagging his tail, and joyfully exuberant!

The next morning we were in the front yard and my neighbor came out, leaving for work, and she yelled, “It’s a miracle!” She had see my dog and his pitiful state of health before this extreme change.

I went to the next relic showing at a different parish and prayed for people I knew who were in need, and gave a special thanks to God through St. Francis.
I had a terracotta St. Francis statue I used to have on display in my family room years before. I found it and placed it in my front garden where all can see it. It is a daily reminder of God’s grace, compassion, and constant care as evidenced through the lives of the saints and their intercession for us.

Rocky just had his 4th birthday and hasn’t had a recurrance.

God bless you Father, and thank you for your mission.”

Ann and Rocky
Wichita, Kansas

“I am from St. Bernadette Church in Bayou Vista, Louisiana.  I went to the relic exposition. I feel like I have been cured of two things that have bothered me for years: a hermoid and stones in my salivary glands.  Both have been cured.  Thank you and God Bless you, Father.”

Frank Garcia
Bayou Vista, Louisiana

“Dear Fr. Carlos,

I just wanted to touch base with you regarding your visit to St. Martha Catholic Church this past December. Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity to hear your presentation and venerate the relics of so many saints. Earlier that day I had reached a point where I could no longer take the pain in my neck and back of my head that I had been experiencing for a while. The swelling was so visible that my co-workers insisted I see a doctor. I left right away and the doctor was so concerned and said that he wanted an MRI immediately because he had to rule out cancer or a couple of other scenarios that he would not speak with me about unless he had to. Upon returning home I realized that your presentation scheduled at the church was that very evening. I was hurting very much and so tired, but I had waited weeks for that night and was determined to go. I sat close up front, and though it hurt to move my head, I followed your movements. At the end, just before releasing us to visit the relics, you asked us not to hold back from asking for healing. It struck such a chord with me that I went out looking for one that is very dear to me … Padre Pio! I touched the relics to my neck and asked for intercessory prayer. The next morning I had absolutely no swelling, no pain and I could move my head in any direction.

I don’t know if I would have even thought to ask if you had not encouraged it. Thank you for that awesome night. Thank you again and God Bless you for your work!”

Barbara Molaison
Porter, Texas

“Dear Fr. Carlos,

I visited the Treasures at St. Michael’s in Mulvane, Kansas this past April. I had been suffering from plantar fasciitis for three weeks before visiting and could hardly walk in the mornings. The next morning I walked with no trouble. I didn’t think about the relics at first but then later in the day I did. I didn’t remember all the relics I touched, but I went ahead and looked up the patron saint of feet–it is St. Peter, and I did remember that he was the first saint that I touched! I have not had any recurrence of the plantar fasciitis. I am very grateful.”

Angie Gumm
Mulvane, Kansas

“Dear Father Martins,

You were at my parish several weeks ago, and something wonderful happened. My husband, daughter, and I went together to venerate the relics you brought to Moses Lake, WA. It was a beautiful presentation, and a moving experience. My daughter, who is 10, was moved to a complete devotion to God. Ever since, she has been making voluntary sacrifices for her brothers, and working to stifle irritable responses. She has started wanting to go to Mass for the first time. It was always a chore to get her there before.

I suppose her being moved this way is more important than what happened to me, but less startling. For many years, I have had arthritis in my knees that was made worse by several injuries. I was unable to kneel or genuflect. At Mass on the Sunday after you came to our parish, I was praying that I longed to kneel before the Lord. A “voice” in my heart told me at that moment that I was healed. I knelt, and it did not hurt, even a little bit. Since then, I have found that I can squat, get up from a chair without using my hands for help, and bend from my knees instead of my back. My arthritis appears to be completely gone! I stopped taking the glucosamine that had eased my symptoms, and it made no difference. I was still pain free.”

Thank you for bringing this beautiful opportunity to worship with the saints to us.
In His amazing Love,”

Christina Martin
Moses Lake, Washington

Dear Father Carlos Martins,

I had crippling anxiety that was literally controlling how I went through life. I was on medication for it because it was so bad. It worsened to the point that I would have anxiety attacks about 3 times a week and be physically sick.

It all changed at the exposition. I was able to go up to and touch the reliquary which held a piece of thorn from the Crown of Thorns that Jesus wore and I instantly knew within my soul that this relic was VERY holy and VERY clean/pure. I hadn’t noticed it until a few weeks ago, but I now have zero anxiety attacks and the anxiety itself is now 100% manageable. I no longer need the medicine for it at all anymore. And this is months after the exposition.

Thank you SO MUCH for bringing the relics to NY and everywhere else you go with them! I’ll pray for you.

Katherine Roberts
Schenectady, New York

Dear Fr. Martins, I was diagnosed with retinoschesis (hole in the retina) several years ago. There’s no cure and it can lead to eventual blindness in the affected eye. When the Treasures of the Church exhibit came to El Paso, Texas recently, I touched the relic of St. Lucy to my head near my eye. I saw an opthamologist and my retina specialist a week ago and both agree the tear is healing spontaneously! Deo gratias! And special thanks for the intercession of St. Lucy!

Elizabeth Turner
Tucson, Arizona

Dear Fr. Carlos –

I work at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in New Brighton, Minnesota.  You visited us with the relics on Monday, May 21, 2018. A friend and I had traveled to Wisconsin the year before to hear your presentation and pray with the saints, so I had an idea about how things would go for the evening. That time I had gone from relic to relic, reading and praying, and seeing which relics were there.  

The second time, when you came to our parish, I was more interested in zeroing in on my friends, and in praying with certain relics for certain people.  I also focusedon tourching a wooden cross to them, which I planned to send to those for whom I prayed.  I came to St. Lucy, who was only a couple of spots down from St. Philomena, whom I love!  Only one week or so before, my right eye had started to have a “floater” spot in it, and also kind of like an “oil spill” that would move across my eye from the right every time I blinked.  I’m not sure why I remember the date it started, but it was May 15th.  So when I came to Lucy, remembering she is the patron of the eyes, and Philomena being the wonderworker, I asked the two of them to join together in intercession for me and ask for healing for my eye.  My sister had described her cataract just like the floater, so I figured that is what it was.  I don’t know about the “oil spill” effect.  Anyway, as of that evening, both went away.  I was completely healed of both the “floater” and the “oil spill”!  Praise God!  And thank you St. Lucy and St. Philomena!  And thank you, Fr. Carlos for your ministry. Your telling of the St. Maria Goretti story is amazing.  I love the detail and how realistic it makes the story.  Thank you for taking the time to research it and pray for it to touch lives – it certainly does!

“May your ministry be blessed and long lasting!  God bless you.”

Mary Kohlhaas
New Brighton, Minnesota

This letter is long overdue. I wish to tell you how much I and my family enjoyed your presentation at St. Brendan’s Parish in Bellingham, MA several years ago. In fact, we benefited from many graces that I never expected.

My husband and I have been married 29 years. Several years ago, things became very strained. I won’t go into detail, but I prayed constantly about it. I had plans to attend the Treasures of the Church presentation by myself, to seek guidance and insight about our situation. That day, Frank was compelled to join me. I didn’t want him there, but we went as a family anyway. Your message touched his heart. We brought our wedding rings and touched them to many of the relics while we were there. From that point on, he was different, as if he was transformed. Since that day, our faith, our marriage and family life have grown stronger than I could have imagined.

Thank you for your mission to spread the Gospel in this way and share the stories of the saints as models of holiness. The graces from this work are beyond measure and I am grateful to have met you. I look forward to attending again when you are back in the New England area. May God continue to bless you and your work.

Maureen Loomis
Worcester, Massachusetts

Dear Fr. Martins,

I thank GOD Our Father in heaven very much for always helping me and my family through everything.

I had been suffering from lower back pain for four or five years. After attending the exposition of the sacred relics at Immaculate Conception Church (El Paso, TX) on November 20, 2018, I woke up with no back pain. Every day I feel better, and my back does hurt as it did before that day. PRAISE BE TO GOD ALMIGHTY.

Thank you Fr. Carlos Martins for bringing the sacred relics to our church.

May God Bless You

James Martell
El Paso, Texas

Hi Father,

I started having low back and hip pain when I was 15 yrs old. It wasn’t intense pain, I would describe it as annoying and frustrating more than anything. I saw doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists over the years who taught me some stretches and exercises that would temporarily relieve the pain. I’m 36 now and have 5 kids. After each pregnancy the pain got more frequent and the old techniques didn’t give me relief anymore. I attended the relic display in Salina, KS last week and had to leave early because my 2 month old couldn’t make it any longer. I felt a tinge of resentment, it seems I never get to do things because of all the needs of my children. I quickly buried those thoughts and focused on the few relics and I did get to see. At 3:00 that morning my baby woke up hungry and I felt refreshed, after moving around and waking up more I realized my back and hips didn’t hurt. ‘That’s weird, I haven’t even done any stretches or exercises today.” Then we both went back to sleep. After waking up later that morning, my back felt straighter, my left leg felt longer, I DIDN’T HAVE ANY PAIN. It took me until that afternoon to figure out that one of those saints helped perform a miracle for me. I didn’t even ask for anything from them while I was there. Wasn’t that nice of them?! I haven’t had any pain since that day. Praise God. Thank you for taking such good care of them and sharing them with the world. My miracle may be a
small one, but it will make a difference to me every day for the rest of my life.


Maria Brankin
Salina, Kansas

Mary Queen Church