How your donation will make a difference:
Thank you for your interest in supporting The Exorcist Files podcast. The show has impacted more people than we ever imagined. As we look to impact even more, we are grateful for your desire to assist in our mission.
The show does not receive funding from the Vatican, any Conference of Bishops, diocese, or religious order. This strain on resources limits the amount we can produce. Listeners like yourself, who desire to support a broader reach of the show, can now contribute to this effort.
Donations to the show will help:
- Obtain additional sound editing assistance.
- Build additional video and teaching resources and support multiple language translations.
- Allow me greater flexibility to travel and speak on the subject.
- Increase advertising and marketing to ensure as broad a reach as possible.
All donations are 100% tax deductible.
On behalf of the team, know that you are in our daily prayers.
Peace and blessings +
Fr. Carlos Martins